Altar Guild
Our Altar Guild is comprised of dedicated parishioners who prepare the church for Sunday and weekday services, baptisms, weddings, and funerals. Guild members carry on the traditions of St. Paul’s by caring for the sacred objects used at the altar: Holy Eucharist vessels, vestments, linens, and candles. Prior to each service, members of the guild prepare and set the credence table using proper seasonal linens.
Chancel Guild
Chancel Guild pays for St. Paul’s altar supplies with their annual dues.
St. Paul’s is blessed with wonderful adults and children who embrace our acolyte ministry. Performing such tasks as carrying the processional cross, lighting and carrying candles, and assisting the clergy with the preparation of the table. Young and seasoned church members are encouraged to participate in the worship service.
Lay Eucharistic Ministries
Lay Eucharistic Ministers assist the clergy by administering the consecrated wine at the celebration of the Eucharist.
Lectors read the Lessons and Prayers of the People at Sunday worship services.
Ushers welcome parishioners and visitors; present the sacraments; gather the offerings; and shepherd and assist communicants to the altar rail.